MSc, Computer Science
Personal projects page
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Node js wrapper for vagrant CLI - command line tool.
Check is port open or fetch random port.
Node js delimited text editing library.
Information Communication Technology Electronics Microelectronics (MIPRO), 2013 36th International Convention on, IEEE May 2013 This paper examines the efficiency of different load granularity in ray tracing.
Project features creating OpenGL 3+ context on X11 system, bvh file loading and playing and using Vertex Array Objects (VAO) for rendering by GPU. It also features reusable shader class that is put to only basic use here. But can be used for various things..
These are old programs/applications created with various technologies like C#, Java swing, applets, PHP, GWT, Android, etc... They are randomly put here without specific explanation but they are mostly completed projects with narrow scope resembling student projects. Short info is put into title and description for images.